Scope & Topics

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers covering theoretical or applied research from the following areas of interest.

  • Neuroinformatics and artificial intelligence

  • Neural network theory

  • Computational neuroscience

  • Neural network paradigms and architectures

  • Neurocomputers, neuromorphic computing and impluse neural networks

  • Deep learning

  • Reinforcement learning in neuroscience and artificial intelligence

  • Applied neural network systems

  • Brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies

  • Neuroscience and neurobionics

  • Neural networks and cognitive sciences. Adaptive behavior and evolutionary modeling

Российская нейросетевая ассоциация Российская академия наук Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации МФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ НИИСИ РАН МАИ Институт перспективных исследований мозга МГУ
AIRI iLabs Приоритет 2030