Call for Papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers and to present results in:

  • basic sections

  • poster sessions

The conference includes a competition among students and young scientists under the age of 30 years inclusive for the best work presented.

To participate in any event of the conference as author or listener you must create an account.

The working languages are English and Russian. Reports can be submitted in English or in Russian.

Basic sections and poster sessions

The conference includes sections and poster sessions in the following areas of research:

  • Theory of neural networks
  • Application of neural networks
  • Neural networks and cognitive sciences
  • Neurobiology
  • Adaptive behaviour and evolution

Submitted papers will be sent for review. Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

The best papers presented on the conference will be recommended for publication in magazines:


All papers submitted for basic sections as well as for poster sessions will be reviewed in the same way and all the accepted papers will be included in the conference program and proceedings. The results of reviewing will be sent to the authors by e-mail.

Participation in Workshop

Within the Workshop «Current problems of neuroinformatics» leading scientists give lectures on the state-of-the-art of neurobiology and neuroinformatics. On the possible participation as a lecturer, please contact co-chairman of the conference, the head of the Workshop Yuri Tyumentsev (

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline June 24, 2024
Notification of acceptance for Springer July 22, 2024
Corrected papers submission deadline July 22, 2024
Notification of acceptance for RSCI July 22, 2024
Web registraion as a listener October 18, 2024
Conference dates October 21-25, 2024

Российская нейросетевая ассоциация Российская академия наук Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации МФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ НИИСИ РАН МАИ Институт перспективных исследований мозга МГУ
AIRI iLabs Приоритет 2030