
All submitted papers are reviewed by the editorial board members or external reviewers. External review assists the editorial board in making editorial decisions. Number of reviews for one paper is unlimited.

If the editor notices that the paper has significant drawbacks that were not mentioned by the reviewer, or if he/she finds out about a conflict of interest or unethical behavior of an author or a reviewer, the paper should be reviewed again. The final decision about the paper is made on the conference program committee meeting.

The process of the paper review is confidential and anonymous: the reviewer knows the author but the author does not know the reviewer.

The following points should be mentioned in the review:

  1. Whether the paper is consistent with conference specialization;
  2. The level of scientific research in the paper:
    • new results presented in the paper;
    • any false statements in the paper;
    • whether the reviewer finds the paper useful and relevant;
    • whether the references to other author’s works allow to determine the status of the paper among other publications;
  3. The paper design evaluation:
    • whether the title and the annotation reflect the content of the paper;
    • whether the goal of the work is presented in the Introduction;
    • whether the main conclusions of the work are presented in the Conclusion;
    • whether the paper requires any corrections;
  4. Making the conclusion:
    • the paper can be accepted and included it in the conference program and proceedings;
    • the paper can be accepted and included it in the conference program and proceedings after improvements by the author until the proceedings publication deadline;
    • in case of non-receipt of the corrected paper in due time the paper will be refused.

The negative review should be prepared on a separate page and will be sent to the authors.

On the basis of the review the program committee makes one of the following decisions:

  • to accept the paper and include it in the conference program and proceedings;
  • to return the paper to its authors for improvement;
  • to refuse the paper.

Российская нейросетевая ассоциация Российская академия наук Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации МФТИ НИЯУ МИФИ НИИСИ РАН МАИ Институт перспективных исследований мозга МГУ
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